Jump | Job Application
Jump is a hiring platform. It provides job recommendations for professional users, while giving companies the best candidate matches for their vacancies.
Mobile and Desktop Platform | 2018-2019
Role: Product Designer
The Challenge
Searching for a job is often a difficult task, filled with negative experiences and emotions in the process. Jump is a hiring platform with the mission of making getting a new job a smoother task for professionals.
In this project, I worked as the Product Designer, alongside with the Product Owner, Operations Team, Copywriters and Developers, in order to make applying for a job a more effective and pleasant experience at Jump.
The then job application flow was a form divided in 3 pages. The metrics showed a high drop-off rate. It wasn't mobile optimized, even though more than 55% of candidates at Jump were using their phones.
Moreover, we received reports from companies that, quite often, candidates would get to interviews, sometimes to offer stage, knowing very little about the vacancy. Some critical specs, such as salary range or type of contract, were ignored by applicants, even though this was displayed in the job page and in the application forms. The result was a lot of rejections that could have been avoided, causing a bad experience for both users, candidates and companies.
Decrease the drop-off rate of the job application flow
Be mobile optimized
Reduce the candidate rejection rate at the interview (or later) stage
By listening to records of recruiter's screening with candidates, I analysed the human conversation flow. I broke down the questions, answers and job information to understand:
The order questions were made
How did recruiters approach topics, such as salary expectations?
How did they reject candidates not suitable for the role?
What was their tone & voice?